Online Waivers

The ability to rapidly complete, lookup and retrieve waiver data is essential for your business. Turn boxes of paper into data you can search by first name, last name or date of birth and pull up any waiver with a few clicks of your mouse.  All data is backed up in the cloud, allowing access any time for viewing or export.

Waivers can be completed on any platform

The pen is mightier than the sword

If this is true...

Just think how
powerful a
keyboard and
mouse must be!

“It’s difficult to imagine the power that you’re going to have when so many different sorts of data are available.”

–  Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web

Save Check-in Time

Waivers are automatically tied to the reservations for rapid bulk check-in of customers.

Gather Extra Data

Add unlimited questions:
How did you hear about us?
What are your other hobbies?

Built in Promotions

Email Birthday notices, follow up thank you emails and blast promotion specials.

Waivers are marketing gold!

People just hand you, not only theirs, but all their guests' email, phone and DOB!

market to your customers with the waiver data

Your business is in a unique situation

If you stop by a restaurant to eat with your family and they asked for your phone number, email address and the birthday of each of your kids, you’d probably tell them to take a hike! But since you are a Family Entertainment Center, you can direct them to a waiver Kiosk and they will gladly give you marketing gold.

Birthday Party data from waivers